FGPROJAPAN It started as the Japanese distributor of FGPROINNER, a Swiss maker of inner boots. FG stands for its president at the time, Fredy Gasser. He took a job in racing services at Rikel, which was based in Switzerland before starting FGPROINNERBOOTS, and started FGPROINNER with the dissolution of Rikel, which is a specialized maker of inner boots that has supported so many TOP athletes as to make a clean sweep of OLIMPIC, W-CUP and other world championships.
We started importing MOMENTSKI, who won a medal for US Team player Shannon Barkey at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.
Since 2014, Mr. Hubert from Germany has taken over as FGPRO since Fredy was also old, and at the same time, we have started importing his SCARPATA brand INSOLE and boot-related tune-up goods at the same time.
In 2019, we began importing the DAYMAKER Touring Adaptor made in Salt Lake City.
We currently import, wholesale and sell mainly four brands: FGPRO, MOMENT, SCARPATA and DAYMAKER.
Representative: Atsushi Sekiyama